About Us

Our people who are certified professionals together with our local and international partners are our strength.

We are a value-added service company that supplies a broad range of high quality products and services. We supply Electrical appliances, Networking Equipment & Accessories, Building Materials and Construction Equipment. Offer Information & Communication Technology Consultancy in Various disciplines ranging from Network infrastructure, Database Infrastructure and Management, Enterprise Application Development and Deployment, System Security and Audit

Njunu Tech Solutions Ltd provides ICT solutions that address the needs of its customers in today’s highly competitive business environment. Our solutions are adaptive, scalable, secure and easy to use and support. We develop simple ICT solutions to highly complex problems thereby making it possible for easy solution deployment by our customers. Our people who are  certified professionals together with our local and international partners are our strength.

We offer supplies of high quality electrical  and networking equipment and accessories. We also supply building materials and construction equipment such as ceramic tiles, cabros, gypsum ceiling, plumbing materials, sand and ballast.

Our responsiveness and professional competence with our friendliness is what has continually given us the edge in our service offerings.

At Njunu Tech Solutions Ltd, it isn’t enough to think big. Imagination must be practiced within boundaries of ethics, compliance and integrity. Our high standards have drawn a unique workforce of people dedicated to building a better company — and a better world — each and every day.

We are committed to being the competitive benchmark for the electrical & Networking equipments distribution, by providing quality products and Effective ICT consultancy services that conform to the requirements of our customers.
To be a global Competitive Electrical, Networking and ICT firm in the world
  • Innovation
  • Quality Assurance
  • Professionalism
  • Honesty
Njunu Tech Solutions Ltd represents those manufacturers that, through Continuous Improvement Processes, emphasize quality and demonstrate a consistency of purpose in our mutual efforts to serve the market place.